
ena Bijyutsu Gallery

  • Photo: Yusuke Sato

  • 泉 啓司

    Keiji Izumi

    • 彫刻家 1973年福島生まれ、東京都在住 東京造形大学彫刻科卒業
      身近な人物をモチーフに、緻密な技術に裏付けされた木彫にて風景や物と絡み合うユーモア溢れる人物像を制作。国立国際美術館に作品が収蔵される他、近年の展覧会として、個展「骨まで毛だらけ」(2013年、ARATANIURANO)やグループ展「Spring Fever」(2017年、駒込倉庫)、広島のART BASE 百島のコレクション展(2015年)など。国内外の展覧会に参加。2016年には日・英・中、3言語対応の初の作品集を刊行。


    • Sculptor Born in Fukushima, 1973. Lives and works in Tokyo.
      Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University Sculpture Department. Using familiar people as motifs, with precise wood carving techniques, he creates humorous human gures intertwined with landscapes and objects. His recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition titled “PERSON-FORM”, Taipei (2019), “Hairy to the bone” ARATANIURANO, Tokyo (2013), a group exhibition “Spring Fever” Komagome Warehouse, Tokyo (2017), “N COLLECTION: Ship of Theseus”, ART BASE MOMOSHIMA, Hiroshima (2015), and more. His work is in the collection of National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan. In 2016, his rst artist book in three languages, Japanese, English and Chinese, was published.
